Empowering churches to thrive through expert guidance and tailored solutions.

Leading a church today requires more strategy and intentionality  than ever before.

The challenges faced by your church community are increasingly intricate, making the role of church leaders more critical than ever. Most churches succumb to chaos rather than investing the outside energy critical to catalyzing growth and change. That’s where Cascade comes in.

Our services

We partner with you to create a comprehensive ministry plan built on a customized strategy. Every church is unique, what does yours need?

  • Get empowered with clear next steps through a custom, cost-effective Ministry Health Review. Receive an honest and outside perspective on your church's current health, areas of stagnation, and past progress. Utilize this insight as a roadmap to strategically prioritize and focus your team's efforts.

  • Embark on a multi-day retreat where we’ll navigate you through mission and vision, optimizing your organizational design, devising a refreshed ministry plan, and assessing the required resources to make it all happen. You’ll wrap your retreat with 90 day, 1 year, 3 year & 5 year goals and next steps.

  • Reposition your ministry team to perform at its highest potential by structuring your staff in alignment with your vision. This involves assessing individual strengths and group dynamics, clarifying decision-making authority, identifying team strengths and challenges, evaluating staff leadership capacity and potential, planning the restructuring process, and assessing its impact.

  • Not seeing exactly what you’re looking for? We partner with churches of all sizes to support with planning of all kinds. Connect with us utilizing our Contact Form and we’ll curate a plan suitable for your needs.